1. Finish my gold skirt that I started months ago. Jocelyn and I found this incredible material months ago, and inspired, I started to make a skirt. Then frustrated because it wasn't turning out quite as I planned, I gave up. I think I just need to finish the waistband and sew on the buttons. My goal is to finish it tonight and hopefully wear it (that is, if I liked how it turned out. I have some hesitations).
2. Make my vinyl vintage purse that I've been thinking about for a few weeks. I found a pattern online and then by some miracle, ran into the perfect black vinyl at the fabric store while looking for some canvas to make a fly rod case. The pattern is simple, so I am confident that I can finish it in an hour. If it turns out well, I have some pink pleather that I think would look great as a purse.
3. Make a new planner for 2008. I've been making and using my own planners for three years now. Since it is the end of the year, my planner is almost full, and I need to start thinking about next years. I've reused the leather before (and just re-sew in the blank pages). Or I could change things up this year. So many possibilities. I might also add fancy paper to make it pretty.
4. Teach Julie how to craft. She is always commenting how she wants to join my crafting parties (often these parties consist of just me, sometimes Jocelyn and I join forces). Well, come on over Julie. Seeing how Christmas is approaching, I need to step up the crafting and get started on a lot of my Christmas projects which are too top secret to talk about on this blog.
5. Work on said Christmas projects.
6. Use the new semi-precious stones from Sri Lanka to make earrings. Diedra brought be back beads from semi-precious stones (quartz, citrone, something else) that I need to make into earrings. The beads are incredible and so much better than boring glass, in my opinion.
7. Work on a baby blanket that I've been thinking of doing.
8. Make a handbag using the awesome handles I picked up months ago. I actually have the perfect fabric, I just need to sit down, create a pattern, and put it all together.
9. Sew aprons. I give these away as gifts frequently, so they are always on the craft list of things to do. I also picked up some great fabric recently that I should use up. I think I gave away my last apron, so I should make a few to have on hand. The great thing about making aprons is that I use my scrap material from other projects, and surprisingly enough random fabrics put together actually turns out quite cute. Who knew?
Wow, 9 projects. That should keep me busy for while. Hopefully after tonight I can at least make progress on a few of these, and if any of them turn out well, post pictures of my success.